

723 Uppsatser om Storm events - Sida 1 av 49

Hur ska tall- och gran bestånd i Götaland gallras för att minska risken för vindskador?

With knowledge of how the southern Swedish forests have been affected by storms the past years, this study intended to find out which factors affect the storm firmness of a stand the most. The study was based on data from stands in the, by the storm Gudrun, affected area. The results of the analyses that tested the stand factors that influence the amount of storm damage to the greatest extent showed that the storm sensitivity of Norway spruce stands were largely due to previous management actions. The factors that could be controlled by thinning and had relevance of storm damage standpoint, according to the results were; the dominant height, volume, basal area weighted mean diameter and stand age at last thinning. In this study, these results are not as clear for Scots pine.

Stormande kunskaper - en undersökning om år 6 elevers kunskaper kring begreppet storm

Syftet med vårt examensarbete är att undersöka om hur vissa elever i år 6 uttrycker sig kring frågor relaterade till begreppet storm. Kan de se dess orsak och verkan? Utifrån svaren ville vi även ta reda på om eleverna uppnår till de mål i geografi för det femte skolåret, som kan kopplas till väder, specifikt storm. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod som innebar djupintervjuer av elva stycken elever på en skola i Malmö. Resultatet visar att eleverna inte uppnår de mål som är kopplade till kursplanen i geografi för det femte skolåret, beträffande begreppet storm.

Förutsättningskontroll och nedbrytningstest på oljeförorenad mark : Preem 2, Karlstad

More frequent and intensified rainfalls are expected to occur due to climate change in the nearfuture. This together with a higher proportion of paved areas increases the pressure on today?sstorm water systems (Risinger, 2014; Boverket, 2013; Stahre, 2006). Traditional storm watersystems (i.e. underground pipe systems) have during last decades started to be questioned(Olshammar & Baresel, 2012).

Öppen dagvattenhantering i urbana miljöer :

Storm water causes a number of problems in our country, particularly in city environment with its surfaces of non-absorbing ground materials. At heavy rain falls there are floods due to lack of capacity in the drain system when meeting heavy water masses over a short time. When the drain system is overloaded huge water masses reach the recipient untreated and there causing disturbances in the aquatic ecosystem. Due to emissions from mainly traffic, industries and other human activities the storm water is polluted. Earlier the problem used to be solved technically, by increasing the capacity of the tubes and by construction of reservoirs to delay the floods peaks.

Hinder & möjligheter med dagvattenhantering : Fallstudier över Linköping och Norrköping kommuns arbete med alternativ dagvattenhantering

More frequent and intensified rainfalls are expected to occur due to climate change in the nearfuture. This together with a higher proportion of paved areas increases the pressure on today?sstorm water systems (Risinger, 2014; Boverket, 2013; Stahre, 2006). Traditional storm watersystems (i.e. underground pipe systems) have during last decades started to be questioned(Olshammar & Baresel, 2012).

Modellstudie av föroreningsretention i Bäckaslövs våtmark : Tillämpning av modellverktygen MIKE SHE WET och MIKE 21

During the nineties, ecological handling of urban storm water became very popular in Sweden. Together with Chalmers University of Technology and two Swedish communities, DHI Water and Environment has been doing research of storm water ponds and constructed wetlands. This thesis work is a part of that research project. The work has been applied at the Bäckaslöv storm water treatment plant in Växjö, Sweden. The plant consists of one storm water pond and a downstream constructed wetland.

Det första mötet : Jämförelser av första-gången-händelser rapporterade av mödrar och fäder vars barn vårdats enligt kängurumetoden på två neonatalavdelningar

Aim: Compare occurrences of first-time-events reported by mothers and fathers with children at high tech NICU according to kangaroo-mother-care method in two university hospitals. Method: Descriptive, quantitative design. Fourty-five couples of parents, with premature children born and cared for at university hospitals in Uppsala or Örebro, answered questionnaires about first-time-events: interaction-events, measures-of-care-events and sleeping-place-events. Results: All differences regarding the children?s age at first-time-events showed Uppsala-children to be younger than Örebro-children. Interaction-events were reported first in children?s lives, measures-of-care-events and sleeping-place-events later.

Lakningsförsök med furubarksflis : en utredning om utsläpp av fenolföreningar samt metallsorption

The filters used today to purify water are often expensive and the need to find new filter materials is substantial. Studies of pine bark have shown that this is a material that may be used as an alternative to conventional filter materials, such as activated carbon. However, the study of pine bark has shown that a leakage of phenolic compounds may occur when using the material for water purification. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to investigate the release of phenols from pine bark, in order to evaluate the use of pine bark as a filter material. Another assignment is to investigate the amount of metals adsorbed by the filter material.

Manöverkrigföringens indirekta och direkta metod : en studie i fördelningen av dessa vid flyginsatser under Operation Desert Storm

En av huvuddelarna i manöverkrigföringen, som Försvarsmakten nyttjar, är indirekt och direkt metod. Men då Sverige inte har varit i krig på väldigt länge så beslöt jag att skriva denna uppsats i syfte att skapa ett underlag för en ökad förståelse för nyttjandet av indirekt och direkt metod vid manöverkrigföring. För att göra detta så försökte jag svara på följande fråga:Hur ser fördelningen mellan indirekt och direkt metod ut vid flyginsatser i krig under 1990-talet?För att få ett svar på frågan så gjorde jag en fallstudie på Operation Desert Storm där jag först analyserade vilken metod de allierade styrkorna använde mot de olika anfallsmålen. Efter detta gjorde jag en undersökning i hur många anfall och uppdrag som genomfördes mot varje mål.

Sant eller falskt? : hur skildrar de nätbaserade media SANA, BBC och CNN händelserna mellan 1.4. och 18.4.2012 i Syrien?

This essay will try to analyze how Syria?s official news agency, SANA, describes events taking place in Syria in the days between 1.4 and 18.4.2012. This will be contrasted with how BBC and CNN describe the events. These other two news agencies were chosen, because they represent media from democratic countries in Europe and the USA. This rebellion became a full scale civil war over time.

Manöverkrigföring : en stagnerad eller utvecklad teori?

Manöverkrigföring är ett vedertaget begrepp inom militär teori. Jag har i denna uppsats valt att analysera och jämföra två operationer som baseras på manöverkrigföring.Vid Tysklands invasion av Frankrike 1940, Fall Gelb, utgjorde manöverteorin grunden för operationen. Detta var första gången som manöverkrigföring utnyttjades i stor skala för att slå en jämbördig motståndare. I den USA-ledda FN-koalitionens invasion av Irak 1991, Desert Storm, var manöverkrigföring ännu en gång den operativa huvudteorin i planerna för operationen.Den här uppsatsen är en komparativ fallstudie baserad på kvalitativ textanalys. Båda operationerna beskrivs för att sedan jämföras varvid skillnader och likheter belyses.Resultatet visar att såväl Fall Gelb som Desert Storm genomfördes som operationer baserade på teorin om manöverkrigföring, men att stora skillnader finns mellan dessa operationer. Orsaken till skillnaderna belyses till del och vissa teorier om vad dessa beror på presenteras..

Skogsbolagens syn på vindskadeförebyggande åtgärder efter stormen Dagmar

On the night of the 26th December 2011, large parts of southern Norrland were struck by the storm ?Dagmar? that caused serious damage to the forests. In the past 10 years wind damage has become a hot topic after several major storms. Forest companies own 25% of the Swedish forest and thus influenced largely by wind damage. The main purpose of this study was to examine whether forest companies attitude towards preventive wind damage actions were changed after the storm ?Dagmar?. The result was developed by doing interviews with two forestry companies.

Alkohol på idrottsevenemang : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan vuxnas alkoholkonsumtion på idrottsevenemang och gymnasieungdomars attityd till alkohol

The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relation between sporting events, where alcohol is served, and the attitude towards alcohol among adolescents. We conducted a survey with 195 respondents, all of whom was students of Swedish upper secondary school. The respondents were between 15 and 18 years of age. The data were analyzed using theories of attitudes and norms. We also analyzed the data using previous research.

Den positiva hälsovågen : En kvantitativ studie om hälsofrämjande arbete

The construction of buildings and paved surfaces changes the natural water balance.Precipitation generates surface runoff and storm water instead of infiltrating into the soil.Storm water has come to be considered as a major source of pollution in lakes and streams inthe vicinity of urban areas. Reduction of pollutants in storm water is a key action in order toprotect sensitive recipients and maintain high water quality. Storm water is traditionallytransported by storm sewers to the nearest recipient. In recent years the approach to stormwater management has changed; storm water should primarily be disposed of on site, throughlocal disposal of storm water, LOD. LOD is created by a combination of the function ofseveral smaller local facilities and the general sewer system.

Evenemang : -ett vinnande koncept för regional utveckling?

Event is a phenomenon that lately has become more common, especially within the tourism industry. This essay is a study within human geography and with focus on the meaning and the design of events. The purpose with this essay is to examine and describe the concept of event and to show how events can influence a region. Falkenberg is situated in the county of Halland by the west coast and the sea and because of that a natural tourist destination. The city is a known seaside resort since the end of the nineteenth century.

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